Greg Sandhu
My natural affinity for innovation inspired me to spend years in school learning and experimenting with design. The design world afforded me many opportunities to question convention, demonstrate imaginative insight, and seek innovative alternatives. It cured my inquisitive nature.
I get pleasure whenever I get the opportunity to create something new. What I’ve discovered throughout my many years of exploration is that effective design is all about combining opposites, like sophistication and simplicity, extravagance with effectivity, and design constructions that are both lithic and agile.
Today, I am one of the lucky ones that gets to work with a passionate team of eager creatives. Where every step on the road to successful project completion empowers us to excel in strategy and action. We seek innovative alternatives, and employ problems-solving skills and strategies for maximum effectiveness.
At Hius, we enthusiastically embrace all projects, no matter the size, scope, or complexity. Reach out to us and let’s create something remarkable!

Simran Chandi

When I was growing up in India, many of my peers hemmed and hawed about their career paths. But not me! I’ve always marvelled at the construction of buildings and interior spaces. That’s why, as early as my first year of high school, I knew that I wanted to pursue a related, creative career path.
Not only did my post-secondary studies further my conviction that I was on the right path. But I gained comprehensive skills related to construction drawings, materials and methods, building systems, design techniques, and computer applications. The school programs were infused with illuminating field trips and hands-on workshops.
That said, I fully realized my dream when I became a part of the team here at Hius. This environment of creative agency constantly fosters innovations, and has provided me with ample opportunities to excel.
Even when I’m indulging in my other hobbies – like binge-watching horror movies or delighting in different cuisines as a foodie – I can’t help but analyze the gothic design or interiors of the haunted homes, or the unique plating of the dishes.

Luke Niblock

From procreating to painting to designing buildings, I believe that the need to “create” – in any form – is a core aspect of the human condition. This need was present in me from a young age, when I considered Lego blocks and marble mazes to be the epitome of fun and fulfilling.
Even now, there’s no better feeling than employing my creative juices to give rise to something that wouldn’t have existed without my input. That’s why graduating from design school has been one of the most rewarding decisions I’ve ever made. And my time at Hius has only cemented that for me. From document control and design right down to the nitty-gritty of using the industry’s most advanced design software, this work culture is highly amenable to exploring and integrating new ideas, as well as finding innovative solutions to design challenges.
My appetite for creation, creativity, and experimentation also lives on outside of the office and in my kitchen. During my free time, I enjoy cooking meals, making baked goods, and watching my loved ones scarf them down.